Synthwave composer Waveshaper releases majestic album Mainframe

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  Image credit: Svetlana Kovalenko

Synthwave composer Waveshaper left us in complete admiration with his majestic electronic tracks ‘Friends Againand Lost In The Cloud. Today he reveals more epic tracks with the release of his album Mainframe. The album was recorded via Waveshaper Music Production and also features the airy synth track ‘Save Room’, which provides a soothing atmosphere for the devoted gamer looking for refuge. The producer does not skimp on detail and this album shows Waveshaper exercising transcending synth soundwaves.

Stream/ download: Mainframe LP

In an interview with The Playground, the producer shared how he began composing synthwave music: “Back in 2013 when I started this project, I came across a bunch of artists that did retro-inspired synth music. I understood that it had become a thing that now later on eventually is a big part of popular media. Back in the early 2000s, I did covers for movies like The Terminator theme etc. I never thought that anyone would be interested in that listening to that niche nerdy music but I was wrong.”

Although we find ourselves in a different decade and era for music, Waveshaper still maintains prominence in the electronic music sphere with over 65 million streams on multiple music streaming platforms. Listening to this album, many may recall days spent playing video games in the ‘90s with your closest friends.

Lost In The Cloud ‘ and ‘Friends Again’ feature on the Spotify playlist WAVE_GRØUND

Read Waveshaper’s exclusive interview with Synthian here.

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