Interview with evocative, alternative electronic music duo Ameli Paul

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Image by: Rica Hellige

Consisting of mystical & evocative songstress Ameli & multi-instrumentalist Paul, Ameli Paul was established in 2016. Combining analog & organic soundwaves together paired with the harmonious lullaby-esque qualities of Ameli’s vocal range results in a delicate analog, electronic rhythm. The duo recently shared their EP Beyond Reason via MEIOSIS, and prepare to allow the mind to wander into the deepest parts of one’s soul. 

We chatted with duo Ameli Paul about their musical influences below.

Describe a pivotal music moment for you in your favourite film, television show, brand partnership etc. Has this influenced any of your own compositions?

Paul: For me, Nils Frahm created the most profound yet minimalistic soundtrack for the one-shot movie Victoria. His entire work has been a huge inspiration. 

Ameli: I really love the soundtracks of David Lynch films, like the bar scene of Blue Velvet or The Pink Room in Twin Peak. Also, the films of Lars von Trier inspire me musically.

How did you become drawn towards making retro/synthwave music?

We’ve never seen this as our main reference, but yes, we like the warm analog synthi-sounds of the 80s!

What does your current software/hardware setup currently consist of?

On stage, we have a Prophet, a Model D, a guitar, some analog Delays and Reverbs (Line6, Strymon…), and Ableton Live as DAW.

Outside of music, what inspires you?

Going through life with open eyes and ears, personal emotions, foggy days in Autumn, good conversations, dancing, taking a swim in the Atlantic, (social) changes.

What kind of relationship do you have with the internet? How does this inform your artistic expression?

It’s a gift and a curse at the same time. Actually, we try to fight our smartphone addiction at the moment. It’s not healthy to always look at what others are doing. It detracts from your inner sources. At the same time, we couldn’t imagine the last 12 months without the exchange through the internet.

As a performer or as a member of the audience, what single show has been the most memorable for you?

Paul: I was totally blown away by the live show of Atoms for Peace in 2013 and Darkside in 2014. 

Ameli: As a performer, I really loved playing at the fusion festival. It was such an honor for me to play alongside so many great artists and being part of this unique atmosphere.

Any new or upcoming artists on your radar?

You should check out Brigade and Curses.

Please suggest an album for us to listen to.

Men I trust – Forever Live Sessions

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

We’ll be releasing our first Vinyl in Spring on Drosssel and our Album should be ready end of 2021. Unfortunately, gigs are kind of rare at the moment, we hope that the situation will be better in summer! Can’t wait to be on the road again!

Famous last words?

We hope you are doing okay! And if you are not that’s okay too, just don’t hesitate to talk to someone. Stay healthy, hang in there and be patient. Support the ones working their ass off during this pandemic, but also those who have to refrain from doing their jobs in order to end this. There will be better times for sure and we can‘t wait to bring our music to the clubs and festivals once this is all over. See you around!

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Category: Interviews

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