Music producer Mattia Cupelli chants to our soul with his latest song

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Let’s consider the multitude of meanings the word ‘CHANT’ comes with. A stadium or large audience might come to mind, as the people chant back towards their target: a display of disapproval or approval depending on the circumstances. There’s a power that’s shown at this time – a power of the people as they provide full and immediate feedback, frequently swayed by the mass mindset. Nonetheless, the energy that flows through the people is always felt: the pounding hearts, tingling fingers and the euphoria that comes with such expression. Now, let’s refocus and direct our attention to the more intimate form of the word, where Mattia Cupelli has nestled his latest creation. 

Stream/ download: ‘CHANT’Pre-save RUINS LP

‘CHANT’, released today via Cupelli’s own imprint, conveys the older meaning of the word. The single draws us back into bygone days, breathing simplicity into the air and reminding the listener of the importance of inner peace paired with a goal or a focused thought. Taken from Cupelli’s upcoming album, RUINS, the single is gently nourishing. Sit for a moment, allow yourself to feel the surroundings and the impermanence of time as it passes by you, narrated by the producer’s ambient tones. Replacing that high voltage of euphoria with calming tones and more sustained happiness, Cupelli has us eagerly awaiting the release of the rest of his work.

 Mattia Cupelli was slightly less enigmatic about the creation of this single than usual: “I composed ‘CHANT’ as a reference to a sort of religious mantra, spiritual in its repetitions.”

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