Synth-pop artist Color Theory reveals top 10 Synthwave songs of April

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Image credit: artist Twitter @colortheory

Brian Hazard has curated his favourite Synthwave tracks for the month of April, which he has shared via his Apple podcast Synthwave Top 10. Each month, the musician takes the time to find new gems and compile them in a Spotify playlist, Vocal Synthwave Retrowave, which he adds to on Fridays. Here is his April pick:

1. Faded Paper Figures ‘Therefore Me’

2. I Want Poetry ‘Golden Hour’

3. The New Division ‘Modern Life’

4. Oceanside85 & jacket. ‘Pretender’

5. Now Ex ‘Still Dressed for Winter’

6. Couch Prints ‘Weakness’

7. Holy Wire ‘Forgive Me’

8. ELYXR & tawnylawns ‘La Di Da’

9. Sonic Heads ‘Until I Die’

10. Polar Mind ‘The Stars Behind’

Brian Hazard, known as Color Theory, is an active contributor to the Synthwave space. With 15 million streams across platforms, he continues to release his special blend of sombre Synthwave. In fact, he recently released a new record titled ‘She’s Made of Wires’, a reflective palette of pink and purple synths.

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