Dance into the night with Saint Mars song remix by producer Juche

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Image Credit: Liam Ozdemir (_liamoz)

The second official remix for Saint Mars original single ‘Ocean Blues’ been released via Grá Mór Phonic Records. The single follows after the release of Droid Bishop’s upbeat re-imagining of the original track. Renowned DJ Juche produced this latest addition in the trilogy. 

Juche adds his thoughts about the remix, ‘‘I felt the deepness of the vocals and everything became super clear in my mind: I wanted to keep the powerful voice and mix it with thorough pads to give a feeling of lightness. Everything came so well, I enjoyed making it a lot.”

Previously featured on Synthian, we commented on the Droid Bishop remix, “‘Ocean Blues’ speaks on the impact of bullying, but Droid Bishop makes this somber tale a lighthearted and groove-filled synth banger. “

Juche provides a remix that creates a more laidback atmosphere filled with euphoric energy that one feels during a fun night out on the town. 

Stream/ download: ‘Ocean Blues (Juche remix)’]

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